Matriculation and Induction
The process of registering as a student at ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× is referred to as ‘matriculation’. Once a student has matriculated, they are entitled to pursue the programme of study to which they have been admitted and to access student services and facilities in the University. All students are required to formally register with ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× and declare that they agree to abide by the University's regulations. Even students who never attend the campus are required to matriculate. The University has a statutory obligation to the Scottish Funding Council and the Higher Education Statistics Agency to collect data on all students studying at ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× on an annual basis.
All students on each programme must matriculate every academic year. ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s academic year runs from September to August, but collaborative programmes may start at different times. If a student starts a course in April, and the course has not completed by August, the student will need to matriculate again in September in order to maintain their registration.
If students don’t matriculate, they will be unable to access ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× electronic resources and it will not be possible to process their marks at the exam board.
Because not every programme starts at the same time it is easiest if partners contact the Collaborations Team to alert the University that a new cohort of students is starting. Guidance notes on matriculation can also be emailed on request.
New students UK Collaborative Partners
Student matriculation is an online process and can be accessed on the
In order for students to complete this process the designated administrative contact at the partner should send a list of new students to the Collaborations team, providing the following information:
- Forename
- Surname
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Course title and level
- Start date
- Student Email Address
A spreadsheet is the simplest format for this.
The Collaborations team will then set up each student on the student record system, SITS, including batch identifier if needed. The list of matriculation numbers is then sent back to the administrator at the partner. The team will also register the students onto their modules. If all students take the same modules this is straightforward but if there are any electives then the partner needs to inform Collaborations about which choices students have made.
It is essential that enough time is allowed for these processes so that the students can be ready to matriculate when their term starts. Partners should aim to provide student details at least two weeks before the start of classes.
An email is sent directly to the student advising them on how to complete matriculation. More information, including FAQs and guidance on how to complete the process, can be found on our matriculation website.
After completing matriculation there may be a delay before students gain access to ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s facilities (a maximum of 6 hours).
Students can online.
Students must complete online matriculation before they can request a card.
For all queries regarding matriculation, please contact Student Records at Registry.
Overseas Collaborative Partners
New Students
Students must matriculate online. The designated administrative contact at the partner should send a list of new students to the Collaborations team providing the following information:
- Given Name
- Family Name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Course title and level
- Start date
- Student Email Address
A spreadsheet is the simplest format for this. Please take care with names as sometimes it is not straightforward to translate from naming systems in different countries to the British system. The ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× records system will normally use the first given name and the family name to identify students. Similarly, be consistent about the date format used for dates of birth.
The Collaborations team will then set up each student on the student record system, SITS, including batch identifier if needed. The list of matriculation numbers is then sent back to the administrator at the partner. The team will also register the students onto their modules. If all students take the same modules this is straightforward but if there are any electives then the partner needs to inform Collaborations about which choices students have made.
It is essential that enough time is allowed for these processes so that the students can be ready to matriculate when their term starts. Partners should aim to provide student details at least two weeks before the start of classes.
An email is sent directly to the student advising them on how to complete matriculation. More information, including FAQs and guidance on how to complete the process, can be found on our matriculation website.
After completing matriculation there may be a delay before students gain access to ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s facilities (a maximum of 6 hours).
For all queries regarding matriculation, please contact Student Records at Registry.
Please note that some students will need to apply directly via our Admissions team, please refer to separate guidance for further details.
Continuing students
Students will need to know their ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× student number and password. (The student number is the 8 digit number allocated when they first started, e.g. 22006072 or 16007630). Please note that passwords expire every 365 days so the students may need to reset their passwords before completing the process. Ideally, students should have set up . If not, they can use the link on the Portal page to reset their password. If that doesn’t work, students can also email Assist to receive a new password. Please note that it is vital that continuing students complete the matriculation process in order for them to access ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× online facilities and for their results to be confirmed.
Programme Induction
To induct students to the programme, the following information should be supplied:
- a programme handbook providing details of the modules to be studied, assessment formats and timings, and reading list;
- links to the ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× website, the ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× student regulations and terms and conditions
- information on support provided by the partner institution;
- information on any specific regulations relating to the partner institution.
This information will normally be provided by the partner institution. Where a programme is delivered jointly with ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×, materials will be produced jointly. Note that there are summaries of the main assessment regulations on the Quick Guides page of this website.